Saturday, May 23, 2009

Music Invades My Soul

So, I'm sitting here watching the finale for American Idol. It's not American Idol that gets me going. It's the music. I don't care about the hoopla of who's going to win or who's more popular than who. I just love hearing those guys sing and I love music. It makes me wish I was more musically inclined than I am - yes, I can play piano, but only if I have sheet music in front of me and if I practice. I can't even sing while playing unless I'm also playing the melody. If I'm just playing the harmony, then I get lost. I'm sure if I practice, that would get better. I do have a song by Meredith Andrews called You Invite Me In that I need to work on. The piano music is only the harmony, and if I can just get my fingers to learn to play it without me thinking about it, then I'm sure I'll be able to sing while I play - and it's such a beautiful song.

I tried creating a song once, but I didn't get very far. I don't even know where it is anymore - probably somewhere stored away and one day when I'm old and gray I'll find it.

I don't know why music gets into my soul like it does. Maybe it has something to do with how much I used to write poetry. I've been out of that for such a long time - kind of a long-term writer's block I guess.

Music is also something that helps me feel closer to God. If there's praise music on, I could sing along with it all day and play it on the piano all night if I know it well enough. I loose myself in the words and the sound and I feel like I'm finally where I belong.

-Kristin Hope

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