Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Our Sugar Glider

He's my and Chris' Sugar Glider. He's more Chris' than mine, though, because I don't really like to handle him much. But, he's a cutie - and apparently I love him. I just spent a good 2 HOURS to fix him his dinner for the next 1-2 months. 2 TIRING HOURS! I should have taken a picture. He eats goop and he loves it. It's a mixture of applesauce, little bit of oj, oatmeal, wheat germ, plain yogurt, and fruits and veggies all mixed into mush.

Guess I love my suggie.

Want more information on Sugar Gliders? Go here: GliderCENTRAL

So yeah - I'm tired. It's time for bed now.

Here's a picture of a Sugar Glider, by the way - not Mister,
though - I need to eventually take pictures of him.

(Hmm - this post is messed up - I can't seem to get the comments to show the way I want them to. But, it looks like other comments elsewhere are working right. So, I'm not going to worry myself with just one post. If you click on the title "Mister", then you can see comments.)

-Kristin Hope


  1. Original Comment Posted on 052209

    Okay, he kind of freaks me out. lol! But I'm glad you love him! :-)

    (reposted by KristinHope79 - I digress and choose not to use my "new comment tool" after all)

  2. Original Comment Posted on 052209

    Haha, well, that isn't Mister, but it's a suggie and that's what they look like. :p They can be very sweet and are actually very smart.

    So far, he's liking his new assortment of food - lots of variety, so, I guess my 2 hours was worth it. lol :)

    (reposted by KristinHope79 - I digress and choose not to use my "new comment tool" after all)


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