Thursday, September 6, 2012


September is PCOS Awareness Month and I want to help spread the word of a new resource that is available for anyone who needs/wants to learn more about PCOS.  I think the ladies who have started this group have a really good thing going, but more people need to be aware so the organization can grow.  Please visit 1-in-10 for more information - even if you don't have PCOS, it's likely that someone in your life may...

For September, I've joined a 30 Day Journal Challenge through 1-in-10.  I'll say it now - I will not focus on journaling every single day.  That will only stress me out.  However, I will focus on using the prompts to journal all 30 days, even if it takes several months instead of just 1.  If I make it in 1 month, then great.  If not, it's no big deal.  :)

Here's the Day 2 journal from 1-in-10 - 30 Day Journal Challenge:
Day 2 - 09/02/12
Hope everyone had a good time with the first day of our Journal Challenge. I always find it peaceful to spend the last of my evening before bed writing down some thoughts and feelings. My mind seems to always be "on" and I have a hard time at night shutting it "off", and when I get in the habit of writing in a journal, my mind seems to clear faster and I can fall asleep easier.
Day 2 Prompt:  How do you indulge yourself? What do you do solely for yourself as a reward or just to celebrate who you are? Do you need to do this more often?

*Remember your "Gratitude List" every day during our Journal Challenge! This is a wonderful way to feel more positive and happy in our lives.
Journal:  I've actually found that my definition of "indulge" has changed.  Before I learned about PCOS, I truly would indulge when I wanted to treat myself to food.  Now, for some people, and even me at times, this isn't a bad thing.  However, when I got serious about really eating healthier, I realized that I didn't want to indulge with food anymore - I'm not even really craving the things that I used to crave.  But because of this question, now I've realized that I need to find something else because everyone needs to have a "treat" of some sort on occasion.  I think what that means for me is that I need to focus on really doing the things that I want to do.  I find myself putting off the things I want in order to make other people happy, just because that's how I am - I usually am pretty easy-going, so I tend to be very indecisive and am just "along for the ride".  I need to be sure to indulge in my wants more than just every now and then.  Such as when I got a pedicure a few weeks ago.  The lady painted my toes with white tips, and I've absolutely loved wearing sandals lately because I love my toesies!  And, I bought shoes just for the occasion.  :)

Gratitude List....
  • "That's the nicest thing anyone's done for me today..." - This comment was said after I held the door open for someone when I was leaving work the other day.  I was ahead of him, and I saw him at the top of the stairs after I'd gone down a few steps.  He was an older gentleman and several feet behind me, but not too far.  I wouldn't have known he'd had a bad day had he not said these words.  He had a smile on his face, asked me if I was calling it a day, and I said "Yep!".  Then, I got to the bottom of the stairs, opened the door, and held it for him because he was almost down the stairs.  He laughed and then made his comment to me.  I just smiled and told him I hoped he had a good afternoon.  I've been thinking about his comment all week.  You never know where someone is at any point in their life.  They may appear completely fine, and happy.  But they may have had a really awful or challenging day.  And you may be that one person who decides to just hold the door open.  I was that person for this man I did not know.  What I do know is that I reminded him that the simplest of nice things can happen - and I hope that I made his afternoon just a little bit better.  This is on my gratitude list for this journal because I'm glad I was reminded that simple acts of kindness may go a long way - most of the time, I'm not privileged to knowing the impact.

Thanks for reading!  :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

September - PCOS Awareness Month

September is PCOS Awareness Month and I want to help spread the word of a new resource that is available for anyone who needs/wants to learn more about PCOS.  I think the ladies who have started this group have a really good thing going, but more people need to be aware so the organization can grow.  Please visit 1-in-10 for more information - even if you don't have PCOS, it's likely that someone in your life may...

For September, I've joined a 30 Day Journal Challenge through 1-in-10.  I'll say it now - I will not focus on journaling every single day.  That will only stress me out.  However, I will focus on using the prompts to journal all 30 days, even if it takes several months instead of just 1.  If I make it in 1 month, then great.  If not, it's no big deal.  :)

Before I get to the challenge, I wanted to share some happy news.  I had lab work done on March 9 and then went back on August 27 and several results were lower:
  • Cholesterol went down 260 to 230
  • LDL went down 177 to 162
  • Triglycerides went down 170 to 124
  • Glucose went down 100 to 78
  • Weight went down 228 to 209.5
I'm working on finding a good way to track my lab results so that I can enter in my information and view it visually with a chart or something.  So far, I think I will have to resort to charting with Excel - but, I'm still researching to see if something else is out there.  If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.  :)

Now, here's the Day 1 journal from 1-in-10 - 30 Day Journal Challenge:
Day 1 - 09/01/12
The best way to start is by chronicling your 30 day challenge! Write down what you do each day, how you feel, even include a food log if you wish.  The point of this journal challenge is to take 5-10 minutes out of each day and use them as time to reflect on you!
Each day, no matter what "prompt" you're given, make a "gratitude list" at the end of your journal entry:  What inspired you today?  What surprised you today?  What touched you today?  What are you thankful for today?
Day 1 Prompt:  Find a quote that sums up what you hope to gain from this challenge.  Write it in your journal (or glue/tape it in there if you found it in a magazine, etc.) and, underneath, write how this applies to your journey. Don't know where to turn for inspiration?  Check out our FB photo album, or our Pinterest Board!
Journal:  This pretty much sums it up for me....
Source: via Kristin on Pinterest 
God put me on this journey, and I don't know why.  I feel like quitting so's so easy to get discouraged.  But I choose to walk on this journey because I want to be healthy.  I want to encourage and inspire others with the choices I make.  I want to be comfortable in my own body.  I want to honor this body that God gave me.  I want to have children one day.
  • My cats made me smile - as they usually do.  They are both cuddly balls of fur when they want to be, and I love it when they want my attention.  I, of course, oblige as often as I can.
  • I remembered a dear friend and was thankful for Facebook - My friend Denise passed away not long ago, and occasionally I still see her name on my Facebook page.  It's a bitter-sweet thing because in one split second, I see her name and forget that she's not on this earth anymore...and then I remember again.  But every time I see her name, she makes me smile.  :)
  • I rested - Yes, I just had a week of vacation where I rested, but yesterday was a very stressful day back to work.  So today, I did nothing except watch movies and play ChefVille on Facebook.  :)

Thanks for reading!  :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012



  1. The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
  2. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Synonyms:  motive - incentive - stimulus - impulse

I truly know what this word means now.  Or at least, I have a better understanding of the meaning.

Let's backtrack....

A couple of years ago I decided to go on a journey to get healthier.  I even decided to blog about it on my Four Buttersticks blog in an attempt to keep myself motivated (there's that word again - I do not think it meant what I thought it meant....if you get that, then yes, I'm a dork.....moving on...).  I also attempted a Four Buttersticks Facebook Page.  These other outlets are not retired just yet, but I'm not quite sure what I plan to do with them at the moment.

It's been a long few years, and I know that my journey will never be over.  Along the way, there were small things here and there that I would finally "get".  Things such as: this journey is for life, it doesn't have anything to do with a diet, and the scale doesn't completely define my progress.  It wasn't until several months ago that I truly got motivated and I really understood what my journey is about.

Two things happened:
  1. I gained almost all of the weight that I'd lost over the last couple of years in just a short 3 weeks while on a business trip with my new job at Tyler Technologies.
  2. My doctor diagnosed me with having Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS*).  In short, PCOS is the most common endocrine (defined: Of, relating to, or denoting glands that secrete hormones or other products directly into the blood) disorder in women.  The diagnosis is based on symptoms that make up the condition and its cause is unknown; therefore, there is no cure.  Among many other things, it can cause infertility.  This made me pause (think of those movies where music is playing and then, all of a sudden - it skids to a stop like scratching a record!).

My biggest motivator now is my diagnosis.

Not really because I've been "diagnosed", but because it made me take a step back and evaluate my life and the choices I'd been making in regards to how I was treating my body.  For all the symptoms that create this condition, why is my body displaying any of the symptoms?  What could I do to help get my hormones back in line and get my body in a more normal state?  Is this really something I will have to "manage" for the rest of my life, or do I just need to learn how to take care of myself properly?

Psalm 139:13-15 New International Version (NIV)

13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
God makes no mistakes in how He's made us.  But we are responsible for maintaining and taking care of what He's given us, to the best of our abilities and circumstances.  We all have a story to tell, and we all have a choice in how it's told.  Everything that I've read so far has told me that I will always have PCOS.  Everything that I've read so far has also told me that PCOS is just a compilation of symptoms and not all women will always have the same, or all, of the symptoms.

The symptoms can be managed either medically or naturally.  I've chosen to do what I can naturally.  Please don't misinterpret - I'm not saying that I'm against medicine.  I think there are very talented scientists and doctors in the world.  I think those roles are necessary for a lot of things that go on in the world.  But, somewhat due to my chiropractic care at BestLife Chiropractic and Wellness Center, I also believe that our bodies are "fearfully and wonderfully made".  Thinking of so many sci-fi movies I've watched, our bodies really are wonderful "machines" that, if taken care of properly, they'll often times take care of you in return (I know there are exceptions - again, everyone's story is different and I know not everyone fits into the same mold - but I still believe we are ALL "fearfully and wonderfully made").

To say all of this, I am finally, truly, taking slow and steady steps to be healthier.
  • On 04/08/12, I was back to 232 lbs.  That was 1 lb less than the highest weight I've been at in my life, and the little progress I'd made over the previous year or so was pretty much wiped clean.  So I started WeightWatchers again to help me track what I eat and help me learn to eat better.
  • On 04/26/12 I went to the doctor due to some personal concerns.  That's when I learned about PCOS, and the next week my doctor called to confirm that this was her diagnosis.
  • I've been paying attention to what I put into my body.  So far, less carbs and more fruit (much of which are organic).  I still have a long way to go - such as adding more vegetables and eliminating other things that just aren't good for me.  I also need to drink more water again and incorporate some sort of exercise into my day to day activities.

Since starting WeightWatchers, and definitely after finding out I have PCOS, I've been diligent (not perfect) in my journey to take care of my body.  At this point in my journey, as of today, 7/29/12, I've lost 22 pounds (down to 210 lbs).  I'm excited to be fitting in my size 16 clothes again, but I will not stop here.  I will keep going.  I will fall.  Then I'll get back up again, dust off, and go further.  I don't know what the future holds, but I trust God and I accept the responsibility that I have for my own actions.  For those of you who have read my blog before, you may have noticed a slight change in the design.  I'm not sure if my blog will stay this way.  I'm not even sure I'll keep the name.  But that kind of makes sense, though, right?  I'm on a journey and I expect that I'll be growing along the way.  I feel like I've grown the last 3 months.  I expect my blog will also grow with me.

Thank you for being a part of my story.

Jeremiah 29:11 New International Version (NIV)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

*For more information about PCOS, see the website located at 1-in-10 - this is becoming a great resource for me and I want to encourage others to spread the word.