But now it's time for a reboot. It's time for me to get a few things back on track, and blogging helps me organize my thoughts and keep myself accountable.
I've already taken a few baby steps -
- I'm eating better (for the most part) so I've lost some of the extra weight I had (still lots more to go, but I'm not in a hurry as long as I do the right things and pick myself back up when I get off track).
- I'm walking more (about 15-20 minutes a day - I was successful for about a month, then I got sick and stopped - I've started back up again).
- I'm listening to scripture (it's so hard to actually sit down right now and read my Bible - I'm almost always distracted - so I'm at least listening to things while I walk, which in turn helps me to think and process).
- I'm focusing more areas on ME - that's really the only way I can recharge, so unless I want to constantly run out of fuel (which I had been), I really have no choice but to figure out how to focus on me.
My goal is to post about things that inspire me, things that I learn about, and things that motivate me, in hopes that these same things might inspire, teach, and possibly motivate you as well (even if it's not in the same way - that part doesn't matter).
If you still choose to walk next to me in this journey, I would love to have you here. If not, I promise there's no hard feelings. Time changes things, and people change with time. We all have our path to follow.
So - with that - how have YOU been?
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