Thursday, June 25, 2009

To Be or Not To Be....a

So yeah, I'm sitting in my TASBO class last Friday, trying to stay awake because of the long day the day before and knowing Friday would be just as long, and trying to focus on the presenter discussing the topic for the class (which was purchasing).  We took a break and I came back a little more refreshed.  The first presenter talked a little longer, and then he switched with someone else.  When that man went to the front of the class and started speaking, I got the biggest nudge I think I've had in a long time.  I wasn't even close to thinking that I'd like to get my teaching certificate (though I had thought of it in the past) - then bam, all of a sudden I felt this urgent need to "just look into it".  

Huh?  Where did that come from?  Well, my only conclusion since it didn't come from me, is that the big nudge was from God.  Maybe that's stretching it for some of you, and maybe I'm almost doubting that a little myself, but I'm patient enough to want to see how this plays out.  Hence, my quest to find out more about getting a teaching certification and more-than-likely applying within the month.

I've thought about it, I've prayed about it, and now I'm really excited about it (if not very overwhelmed).  There's a lot of information, but the great thing is that I work at Region 10 and so this journey should be a little more convenient (maybe).

I'm interested in Technology Applications.  I have a Bachelor's degree in General Business, but if I've looked at everything correctly, I just need to take my content test in the area Technology Applications.  However, I'm waiting on verification of that assumption.  :)  If I'm correct and that's one of my first steps, then I have a lot of studying to do in a topic that I feel like I know a lot about, but that's way, way bigger than what I do know.  I like a challenge.

So the other thing I've thought of - would I even make a good teacher?  I have 3 questions to contemplate for my application for the certification program at Region 10: (1) Why are you interested in teaching and what will be some of your initial challenges as a new teacher?  (2) What motivates you to achieve goals and what will provide you the greatest satisfaction as a teacher? and (3) What else can you tell us about your current skills and abilities that will contribute to you becoming a highly effective teacher in your certification area?  So yeah - I have a lot of thinking to do.

So, please pray for me as I begin this journey.  I'm really still in the "just look into it" stage, but I'm 99.9% sure that I really want this now - then again, if something else comes of it, I'm still going to be patient.  Maybe God is lining up something great in my life that will coincide with hubby getting a job in his field when he graduates. 

-Kristin Hope


  1. Good luck Kristin. I'll be praying for you! It has been a great process for me. I'll help you out in any way that I can!


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