Friday, July 31, 2009

Kristin got the message...

I read an online devotional at Girlfriends in God today that really made me think. The writer spoke of a book she had read by Eugene Peterson called Run with the Horses - The Quest for Life at Its Best. The author of that book told a story about the Prophet Jeremiah from Jeremiah Chapter 13. Below is the excerpt:

One day in the bazaar, he [Jeremiah] had bought a fine linen garment, the kind worn for a wedding ceremony or a religious festival. I always imagine Jeremiah making a production out of the purchase, spending most of the afternoon bargaining with the shopkeeper (not in itself an unusual practice in the Middle East) so that a lot of people would know of the purchase. The word would get around: “What is Jeremiah buying that fine linen garment for? What special event is coming up? What was he invited to that we weren’t?”

Then Jeremiah made a show of wadding up this beautiful piece of clothing and sticking it in a rock crevice to keep it safe until the time that he was going to wear it. Later he went back to retrieve it, as if to wear it for the special occasion. It was rotten, in tatters because of exposure to the elements and the insects.

The people got the message: Israel was the fine garment that God wanted to wear, but she wasn’t ready yet to be used for His purposes. She wanted to live an ordinary life first, so she wadded herself up and stuffed herself into the secure routines, separating herself from what God had at great cost purchased her for, but when that day comes, it will turn out that she is good for nothing. The beautiful moral life that she set aside for a more convenient day will turn out, when she picks it up, to be mildewed and moth-eaten.

The writer then went on to add her name to the following part of the excerpt, which is what I feel hit my heart the hardest (I've added my name instead):

"Kristin got the message. Kristin was the fine garment that God wanted to wear, but she wasn’t ready yet to be used for His purposes. Kristin wanted to live an ordinary life first, so she wadded herself up and stuffed herself into the secure routines, separating herself from what God had at great cost purchased her for."

How many times have I done this throughout my life? I'm almost 30 years old, and sometimes I feel like I'm only just beginning to truly understand what God wants to use me for. I was always very different and unique growing up, and I had a heart for God and for loving people. But I had things happen during that early part of my life that made me so tired of being different. At the end of high school, I told God that I was tired of being different. I asked Him to make me the same as everyone else....and to an extent, I got my wish. I believe that because of that, I probably missed out on a lot that God wanted for my life. He can take my life now and move forward with it, and I'm praying again that I want to be different, unique - I hope I never go back to wanting to live an ordinary life again. Despite the rough times of living life for God - it's ALWAYS worth it.

-Kristin Hope

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jenny, Olivia, and Addison / And My Cat Angel

So yay! I was on vacation last week and Jenny and her family had come to Texas for a few weeks. I kinda planned my vacation around her because I love and miss her so much! :)

Anyway, I was there from Sunday until Wednesday and had such a good time. Her girls are so beautiful - Olivia (3 years old) is getting so big and Addison (now 9 months) has such a sweet countenance. Jenny is really such a great mom and, as her friend, I am so proud of her!!

When I first got there, both Olivia and Addison were shy, but it really didn't take too long before they both warmed up to me, so of course I was in heaven (I love little kids!).

The first day or so holding Addison off and on, I don't think she realized my glasses could leave my face. Once she realized, well, she yanked them off and seemed so proud of herself for doing it. :) So then I had to take them away from her (the sides are pointy when they're closed) and had to look at her with slightly blurred vision (my vision really has gotten worse since I've had to wear glasses for more than just reading).

Twice I had very cute wake-up calls. Once, probably around 8:30am, I all of a sudden hear "Kristin, it's morning time!". I open my eyes, and Olivia is on the other side of the bed just staring at me like, come on, it's time to get up! She then proceeded to tell me that her fingernails were painted as well as her toes, and without my glasses and right after waking up, I'm squinting my eyes to see her and trying so hard to participate in this conversation oh so early in the morning. I did indeed get up....about that early every day I was there. I don't envy Jenny those early morning wake up calls - but hopefully one day I'll be in her shoes. :)

My other wake-up call was from Pearl. Yep - it was too funny. I was on the very edge of the bed, facing out, and all of a sudden I hear this kinda bark/whimper something or other. I open my eyes, and Pearl is sitting smack in front of my face, waiting patiently. I closed my eyes, and she did it again. I open them again and she's just sitting there....not sure why she wanted me up. :) I closed my eyes one more time, and she did it a third time. It was hilarious! But, I honestly don't remember if I actually got up at that point or not. :) She's such a sweet dog, but she's big and apparently she thinks she's a lapdog - but again, I loved it - I love pets!

Jenny got a haircut and highlights as an early birthday present from her mom - I think the lady did a very good job and her hair is so cute!

We also went out to eat one night with Sunni, one of Jenny's high school friends who I originally met when Jenny got married. I'm waiting to steal pictures once Jenny posts them to her Facebook because I didn't take any pictures with my camera. :) We had a very nice time, though - Sunni is really good with kids and had no trouble listening to how Olivia had a little house "behind the couch" and participating in the imagination of it all. Yes, I want to be a teacher....but not for little kids. I love them, but I just don't quite know how to really connect with them. I'll have to learn fast when I finally get some of my own, huh? ;)

So anyway, I guess that was really it. I came home Wednesday and spent the next half of my vacation with my hubby and just relaxing. Then Saturday when it was time to get Angel from PetSmart, we got a call that she was finally adopted. After about 8 months or so of bringing her there, back and forth, we finally got a call. She's such a sweetheart and I really do miss her. I cried a little but I don't think I let it all out because later that night we missed out on our ABF's fireworks because I had such a bad headache. I'm glad that God finally brought someone to her and I pray that the transition they are now going through goes as well as possible. I know that Angel could make someone very happy, but I also hope she's a one-kitty household - she just doesn't really get along with our other cats very well, hence the problem in the first place. Plus, we want to have kids one day and well, we just had too many pets. It's a little more doable now with 2 cats and 1 sugar glider. But....I still miss my Angel.

Here's a picture of my Angel below:

When she was a kitten, she used to sit on my shoulder (haha):

So, that was my vacation week. A lot of happy, a little sad...and such is life.

Enjoy the slideshow below!!

-Kristin Hope